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Introducing...The Spring Muffins!

So I promised an update on my foster babies, and here it is! You are never going to believe how much they've grown.

Here they are at three weeks:

Kitten Parade
They almost completely skipped the "belly crawl" that usually precedes walking and went straight to becoming full on trouble makers. They were definitely not content to spend any more time than necessary hanging out in that carrier.

Skip forward a week and a half:

Everyone sleeps in that little bed together, regardless of size (they still do).

And, without further ado, the names!

Hawthorn is the tux

Not pictured: The shy one, who's name I can't remember anyway. I'll update once I remember!

These guys are already fully weaned and that's good, because Mom seems like she really doesn't want to be there anymore. I can't really blame her, since most of them are nearly her size already.

Now that they are six weeks old, they've been vaccinated with their first shot and have been weighed (the heaviest is almost 2lbs.!). They will be at the Tualatin Petsmart next weekend, March 5th and 6th, from 12-4pm if you would like to see them in person! I have to warn you though, they're evil little pants-climbers.

Happy Tails!

1 comment:

HubbleSpacePaws said...

Hi Jos! Sorry it's taken so long for me to get over to visit. It's been a crazy winter for us!

I see your blog is fairly new! Congratulations on starting it. While I know we start them to help promote our fosters, I do enjoy being able to take a stroll down memory lane, too!

May I suggest you put a "Follow" widget on your sidebar so folks can easily keep in touch?

Looking forward to seeing more from Kitten Headquarters!